Pollinator Week 2021
Jun 18, 2021

Pollinator Week 2021 is taking place from June 21 – 27. This is a great time to celebrate and learn more about our beautiful and valuable pollinators. Below are some events taking place in San Diego during Pollinator Week, and please visit the Pollinator Health page on this website to learn more about the San Diego Pollinator Alliance, monarch butterflies, and how you can help pollinators!
Earth Discovery Institute Native Pollinator Week Event: June 22, 3-5pm at Crestridge Ecological Reserve
Join San Diego Pollinator Alliance member Earth Discovery Institute to explore the native pollinator gardens and habitats at Crestridge Ecological Reserve, and discuss native milkweeds, why they are important, and how to grow narrowleaf milkweed from seed. Participants will be given the SDPA Pollinator Toolkit brochure and a small package of narrowleaf milkweed seeds to add to their own yards/gardens. More info here.
Presentation on Monarch Overwintering Sites in Mexico by Carlos Gottfried: June 24, 10:00 – 11:30am, via Zoom
The San Diego Pollinator Alliance will host a presentation by Carlos Gottfried, founding member and later, President of Monarca A.C., a civil association created to protect the Mexican overwintering sites of the monarch butterfly migration. The presentation will focus on the monarch’s natural history, special emphasis on the symbiotic relationship between monarchs and milkweeds, the incredible migration phenomena from Canada to the central neovolcanic range in Mexico, and finally some monarch conservation challenges we are facing. More info here.
Pollinator Palooza: Now through September 18, 2021
A 6-month long celebration of plants & pollinators! Join Cabrillo National Monument for community science, free pollinator-themed public talks, and breaking plant-pollinator news! Details are available on their website – and be sure to check regularly as information on this page will be updated frequently!
More pollinator news: Click here to read the first newsletter of the San Diego Pollinator Alliance! This contains the Pollinator Week events, as well as resources and information about how to support pollinators all year long.