Palomar Mountain: Saving San Diego’s Last Mixed Conifer Forest
Palomar Mountain: Saving San Diego’s Last Mixed Conifer Forest
In 2020, RCD of Greater San Diego County and the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County began implementation of the "Saving San Diego's Last Mixed Conifer Forest" project in the Palomar Mountain region. This project is funded through a Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Forest Health grant, with a performance period of March 2020- March 2024 .
The project utilizes a collaborative approach to manage and protect the health of our forests and watersheds to ensure resilience to future wildfire. Our group of 5 state, federal, tribal, and private landowners are implementing active fuels reduction and reforestation on roughly 1,575 acres.
There are multiple sustainable benefits to these treatments, that include: forest health, wildlife habitat, increased carbon storage, and community protection.

If you are a landowner in the Palomar Mountain region, and are interested in joining the Palomar Collaborative, please email: